Aufklärungsaktion zum Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum


New member
ID: 510944
23 Mai 2022
shelf life fish


I still have shrink-wrapped trout fillets here that have lasted to this day. Can I easily eat them every day or do I have to pay special attention to the best before date for fish?

The package says "use by".

Hey, that's FISH. "Use by" is to take literally. If the fish is over this date, you will get sick eating it.
there's something right in the middle of your face called your nose. Use it. Not just for the fish. It's pretty accurate in being able to tell you if something is still good or not.
Edit: Food companies are forced to put some kind of date on everything. Including things like salt that, if kept dry, is basically shelf stable forever. The date is for people like TheRockMan, to freak out about food being spoiled, throwing it away and buying it new again, when it would have been perfectly edible still. And then people complain about the high amount of food waste. Right.
Sniff it and decide for yourself if the fish is still good or not. Neither of us can see it, feel it, sniff it or taste it. Only you can.
Good luck.
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